Saturday, April 29, 2017

The Loose Leaf Kitchen: A Five Senses Feast

We rose April 29th not by marching but by munching.
The women's march in January was powerful for the children.  They were impressed with the number of people who felt so strongly about injustice.  They were impressed with how it felt to be standing in a united mass hooting and hollering in a call and response rhythm as individuals spoke in their outside voices and from their hearts.  The children's senses were peaked by a curious knowing as they experienced the type of communal chanting that is in their bones but not their current culture.  The unifying beat of the drum circle enchanted them as their legs and bodies began to syncopate with something outside of their own heartbeat.  It was an experience we always hope to find more of for them - the experience of being part of something bigger than themselves.  An experience that naturally puts their lives in perspective by illuminating our interconnection.

It was powerful.
Which was too much for the powers that be.

Two days later E.P.  saw a news post about Trump mocking the Women's March and we are still, three months out, healing the hurt feelings that it created.  In a moment, in which traditionally a child trying on the values that his nation champions would see a healthy and helpful response from the President, he saw behavior more like a peer, and one that was acting out inappropriately.  Far from inspired by the President, E.P. felt like he had been attacked on the playground by the second grade class bully.  It sucked for all of us.

Since he was understandably NOT interested in joining The People's Climate march we decided to show our love of the earth in our own creative way.  We rose to new heights by heightening and celebrating our senses and our sense-abilities!   We hosted a 5 Senses Feast and for this potluck friends were invited to bring something to delight any of our five senses.  It was sensational:

...and, it was an act in saying , "Fork it!"  Rather than trying to voice our values to individuals unskilled in listening we've decided to resist by living our values to the best of our abilities.  And, we are going right to the belly of the beast regarding climate change - we think that it's time for a GOOD FOOD FIGHT!   Empowered and inspired by Anne Lapp's *Diet for a Hot Planet* we are taking up the challenge of addressing our climate crisis by changing what's on the end of our forks!  And the five senses feast was just the beginning.  Be on the look out for other opportunities to feast and fight climate change in The Warthog School's Loose Leaf Kitchen.

* Held outdoors our Five Senses Feast was the perfect time for a sensory scavenger hunt in nature.  We highly recommend it!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Mother's Nature Journal: Loving the earth and it's children.

Our Earth Day was solemn.  E.P.'s stomach was unbearable.  The sky mirrored the mood as we circled round our well worn wooden table.  It just wasn't a day for feeling or making magic.  When I accepted that and realized that what I was feeling was grief - it was a great relief.
I had focused our attention this past week on "Earth day is coming up this Saturday!" but noticed as the week wore on that nothing felt naturally celebratory about it all.  Instead it felt heavy like a memorial.

It felt like hopelessness.

It felt like a day we needed to review and renew our commitment to The Warthog School mission statement.

At the heart of our homeschool is dedication to protecting and supporting our children's most precious birthright: their innate love of life - biophilia.  Remembering that my job is to help my children stay in love, everyday, with their natural environment (which includes themselves!) made me realize that the heaviness of this Earth Day was because I was focusing on our collective human failures.  The global. The political.  These days, these perspectives, leave me feeling powerless.  Hunkering down at home with my children this past Saturday I vowed to begin again where I know I can act in a way that will have a lasting positive impact.

When I think about love I think of poetry.  I think about when I first fell in love with the sound and feeling of words being pounded out on my old black Royal.  I put at the centerpiece of our Earth Day observation, one of my favorite poems:

For the Children
Gary Snyder

The rising hills, the slopes, 
of statistics

lie before us.

The steep climb

of everything, going up, 
up, as we all

go down.

In the next century

or the one beyond that, 
they say,

are valleys, pastures,

we can meet there in peace 
if we make it.

To climb these coming crests 
one word to you, to

you and your children:

stay together 
learn the flowers 
go light 

After reading it, after time in our sit spot watching ducks feed, by day's end I felt that I had put to rest, for now, my feelings of hopelessness.  I remembered with a smile what David W. Orr wrote about consciously adopting an attitude that will best help us confront our impending fate - whatever it may be.  I felt the fight come back into me.  A fight fueled by love.

Love of children.
Love of life.

I'm going to get our children to those valleys and pastures, we can still make it.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Mother's Nature Journal: Spring Foraging

Left to right: Stinging Nettles, Horsetail, Skunk Cabbage
Stinging Nettles aren't what come to mind when I think of a plant that might heal/soothe a sick and aching tummy - yet they seem to do just that for E.P.  We headed into the wilds at the first sign of afternoon sun this week and harvested our first round (of many!) of our favorite northwestern wild green.  As we cautiously snipped the heads off spring's first edible offerings E.P.'s mind, steeped in sunshine and spring, was pondering death.  My own thoughts were on new life and rebirth so I took pause when he broke with his singing and snipping to ask,  "Mom, how would you choose to die if you had to...having your head cut off with a sword or being shot?"  With a blade in my own hand and already a pound deep into my own process of plant decapitation I answered, "The sharp, unexpected blade."  There was much silence that followed for both of us and nature filled it in with raven chatter and the creek's song.  The skunk cabbage smelled even more toxic to me in this quietude and my own stomach felt uneasy and tense.

E.P. is a master of communicating his feelings and needs by showing rather than telling.  If E.P. has a sick stomach it is contagious not because of a virus but because of the behavior he enacts to exorcize his suffering.  His pacing and seemingly aimless bouncing speaks volumes to anyone in his vicinity about just how difficult some of his ADHD symptoms are to tolerate.  His excruciating restlessness (acted out through pacing) gets sneakers onto my own feet before it has even registered to him that his workbook might need to be supported by a tree stump rather than a desk that day.  When I'm with E.P. I "check in" with my own body even more than I check in with his words and it reminds me of my work before taking on E.P.'s education.  As a yoga therapist working with women in recovery I learned a lesson that has proven invaluable to raising, educating, and loving E.P.  I was in a staff meeting one day in which a fellow therapist was receiving supervision - the emotional housekeeping of sorting out our own biases and triggers so that we can continue to show up whole and clear for our clients.  The therapist was describing just how difficult it was to stay committed to working with her client.  She enumerated a list of words that described how the client made her feel.  They were potent feelings, the kind of feelings that we all try to steer clear of in life, and we all felt for the therapist and what she was navigating.  Our supervisor listened to the entire list, sat quietly for a moment, and then offered; "She is making you feel how it feels to be her.  Right now this is her only way to communicate.  Remind yourself that how you feel when you are with her is how she feels about herself."  The room full of seasoned therapists was silent.  It was heartbreaking.  We all got it. It was a moment that changed my life.


Because, as it turns out, this amazing emotional survival skill seems to be built into children who struggle with ADHD.  They seem to have an awesome ability to make you feel their symptoms and challenges intensely as a way of getting their needs met.  I am finding it is up to us, their educators, caregivers, the people that love them unconditionally, to "stay in it" with them long enough to ferry them to the other side of getting those needs met.  And, right now, E.P. And I are standing boot deep in the bog of communicating through behaviors about his stomach and his struggles with anxiety.  It smells like sour skunk cabbage in full bloom.  I stand with him in the stink.  We appear to be captured by a perimeter of stinging nettles.  And I practice the wisdom of not trying to escape.  Together we do the unspoken work of trying not to avoid but rather to be present with it all; the much treasured sunshine, the sick stomach, the thoughts of fear and death that are arising alongside the new buds on the alders.  As I surrender to it all happening at once I realize that for many years now I've diluted spring to a water color washed celebration of life returning. I've focused only on the beauty of spring and how it brings me comfort and pleasure .  E.P.'s embrace of spring is surging with thoughts of death and how to process ideas like "how does something come from nothing?"or "how does something go on forever, or end forever with nothingness following.."  Questions and thoughts that finally toss him to the forest floor in exasperation and a moment of feeling completely untethered, 'Mom right now I have that feeling I hate when I think of space expanding forever.."
This kind of embrace of spring reminds me of my childhood and my own much more complex and complete experience of nature's rebirth. 

Because I stay in the wilds and in the conversation with E.P. his anxiety about death finds it's own conclusion (for now.)  After my answer about the sharp unexpected blade he sings more - this time it is an intense almost yelling singing - "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC I think.  I am grateful that the trees have their soft mosses in abundance this time of year to buffer his acoustics.  As he tires he stops snipping and singing and declares to me, "Mom, I think I was an old man, and I died, and I became me..."  And that belief and understanding seems like what he needs - for now.  For he dashes home and there isn't a mention of his stomach.  I balance keeping up and getting a little space for myself to marvel in what the forest and it's seasons teach him.  And to laugh to myself,  "To think that I thought for even a moment that a classroom could ever have contained him."   

The season's first Salmonberry blossoms

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Mother's Nature Journal: Our return to Lum Farm

There are eighty-some sheep at Lum farm with some still waiting to "lamb". 

"Group Hug".  Self titled by E.P. 

E.P. helped deliver alphalfa via the turnstiles while Amy and I rearranged fencing.

New grass proved as exciting for the sheep as for the boy.  A stampede and frolic ensued.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Mother's Nature Journal: Returning to Orcas Island

There is something about a home(school)coming occuring on a large sea vessel that super naturally drenches a student in magical myth and lore.  No words are required, no story to spin, but rather a silence is called for to hear the slicing of waters at the bow and the ferry dock lights calling
"...this way....this way..." back.

This morning while E.P. struggled to endure another attack of stomach pains, I unpacked The Warthog School for our Spring and Summer semester here on Orcas Island.  Brooms over doorways,  old wooden desks wheeled back into position. As I put back up the "Accentuate The Positive" reminder...was I ever reminded of just what a difference six months can make for the environment.  After I re-hung the mini-chalk board I sat down stunned because it held the last thing we were excited about before we shoved off for Costa Rica.

I can't seem to get myself to erase it, even though Trump won't hesitate too if he hasn't already.
I suppose, now more than ever, we need to keep up this practice of pointing out what is oh so wonderful in the world.