Thursday, May 30, 2013

Low Tide Treasure Hunt

This summer, on mornings when the tide is low, we're headed to the Venice Beach rock jetty for a low-tide treasure hunt.  

Here are our Summer 2013 Low Tide Treasure Hunt dates:

Thursday, June 13th
Friday, June 28th
Monday, July 15th
Monday, July 29th
Friday, August 14th
Wednesday, August 28th

Always RSVP if you plan on coming - we've got kids-in-tow and our schedule is always subject to change.  (Usually wonderful ones.) 

* (6/13 update: Thanks to a fantastic 40th birthday gift - we are now traveling by cargo bike from Shell Avenue to the beach.  Feel free to meet us on bike at 7 am at Shell Avenue, or just meet us at the beach.)

This is where we meet for a  7 am (ish) departure:

The Warthog School Headquarters, Venice

This is how we travel:

Anything (Human Powered) Goes 

These are examples of what we find:

Crabs, Seaweed, Sandcrabs, Shells, Clams, and Things We Don't Even Recognize!

We also spend time just playing:

We are home by 9 am.

These are just some of the things we learn:

Today, by chance, we learned a little bit of Mandarin Chinese
while learning how to pick up crabs without being pinched! 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Community Up Rising

Word's out-
We're plotting something big
by starting with the small.

Right now in our garden artichokes
are already well on their way.

This winter we've been busy assembling the bare bones of The Warthog School, and as nature's "quickening" time arrives we too can feel the sap starting to rise.  

Now is the time.
This is the place.
For an old fashioned community uprising.

If you too are looking to cultivate community for your child/children that focuses on love of nature, place, and imaginative play, then we are interested in meeting you.

Plotting The Future
The Warthog School is dedicated to providing children with a long, safe, and naturally magical childhood.  One infused with ecological literacy, nourished by healthy food and directed by each child's natural "affinity for life".  Our vision is best outlined the website
Right now, The Warthog School is myself, my son, daughter, and our "abuelita" Ana.  Our days are full of play and creativity and we are ready to invite nature-loving friends to join us in our home-based day care.

We guide our days with a seasonal curriculum and besides lots of play we provide activities that are neighborhood-centric and nature loving.  We are committed to the cultivation of emotional intelligence, non-violent conflict resolution, and supporting each child's natural "affinity for life."  

The Warthog School is committed to cultivation of local community.  We want to co-create the village for our children that will protect their one-and-only childhoods, nourish them with life affirming activities, and firmly root them in "place".  We have a host of seasonal activities as well as a weekly gathering (The Sounder Supper Club) that we hope will provide a hub for this "village" to form.

At this point, of just getting started, our offerings are by donation. 

If this sounds what you've been looking for, here is some more information:

Revel With A Cause - Getting things going on Groundhog's Day.
It is time to plant seeds along with our personal intentions for the coming growing cycle.  Join us 2/2/13 at 4 pm for a simple circle, time spent planting a community "light garden" full of our brightest ideas,  and then share soup, salad, and time in inspired company.  We want to hear about the dreams you've had during winter's long nap.

Neighborhood Garden Stand - A big piece of The Warthog School core-curriculum is the idea that the best kind of education is edible.  From time to time we sell whatever is fruiting in our Sense-able Garden at our old-school neighborhood garden stand.  Right now we've got chard, bok choy, kumquats,  herbs and some little kids with big interest in learning how to make change and bag produce.
Kumquat Harvest of 2013 

Knowing The Neighborhood - Every Thursday we delight in a walking field trip to discover something and/or someone great in our neighborhood.  If you would be open to us visiting you and learning about what you do/offer please tell us.  Or, if you can lend your musical skills to our love of circling and singing, or your building knowledge to some garden/outdoor projects we've been dreaming of - we'd love to meet you!

Please let us know if you are interested in joining us.  

We'd love to meet you and play sometime soon,
Caroline, Calico (4), Lucky (2), and Ana