Thursday, May 30, 2013

Low Tide Treasure Hunt

This summer, on mornings when the tide is low, we're headed to the Venice Beach rock jetty for a low-tide treasure hunt.  

Here are our Summer 2013 Low Tide Treasure Hunt dates:

Thursday, June 13th
Friday, June 28th
Monday, July 15th
Monday, July 29th
Friday, August 14th
Wednesday, August 28th

Always RSVP if you plan on coming - we've got kids-in-tow and our schedule is always subject to change.  (Usually wonderful ones.) 

* (6/13 update: Thanks to a fantastic 40th birthday gift - we are now traveling by cargo bike from Shell Avenue to the beach.  Feel free to meet us on bike at 7 am at Shell Avenue, or just meet us at the beach.)

This is where we meet for a  7 am (ish) departure:

The Warthog School Headquarters, Venice

This is how we travel:

Anything (Human Powered) Goes 

These are examples of what we find:

Crabs, Seaweed, Sandcrabs, Shells, Clams, and Things We Don't Even Recognize!

We also spend time just playing:

We are home by 9 am.

These are just some of the things we learn:

Today, by chance, we learned a little bit of Mandarin Chinese
while learning how to pick up crabs without being pinched!