Friday, June 24, 2016

Adventures in edible education: Supernatural Food Colors

A conversation over Annie's Mac and Cheese with our best neighbor pals lead us into an adventure in super natural food colorants today. Part scavenger hunt, heavy on the mortar and pestle, and finished off with the excitement of "real" potion making - we ended up with quite possibly THE MOST nutrious kids Mac and Cheese ever devoured.  The dazzling ingredients that juiced up the nutrition as well as the presentation of our noodle bowls included: spirulina, chlorella, turmeric, and beets (just to name a few). The kids swore it was delicious but I thnk it was more that the thrill of experimentation satisfied all of their senses this lunchtime.
Supernatural Food Coloring Ideas

Monday, June 13, 2016

The Craft: Just "baaaahing" and just being on the Full Sheep Moon

Baanko sheering her first sheep.

E.P. gave " sheep's clothing" a try after
we helped in Amy Lum with her sheering. 

  (E.P is more like a coyote, however, than a wolf.)