Friday, July 24, 2015

How: The Sense-able Garden

Our adventures in edible education.

The Warthog School's Sense-able Garden

We’ve found some of the most magical moments happen spontaneously in the garden.  Its when hands are busy shelling peas that a profound personal truth seems to pop out too.  The garden reflects our different states from fallow or fertile.  It recovers our natural spontaneity and surprises us with its sports.   It is the ultimate experience in usefulness.  The garden makes sense even when our lives don’t.  And, if we allow it, through color, texture, smell, and taste it will make us a sense-able species again. 

Our Sense-able garden, along with our local farmer’s market, supports the meals our children help prepare, serve, and enjoy in our Loose Leaf Kitchen.  In doing so, it nourishes our children’s growing bodies as well as their souls.    

To name just a few of the invaluable eco-literacy lessons and magical practices we sow:

Understanding how nature sustains life
Empathy for all forms of life
Making the invisible visible
Embracing sustainability as a community practice
Anticipating unintended consequences

And so much more!

How: The Sounder Supper Club

Planted and picked in The Warthog School Sense-able Garden.

When it comes to food we are all about growing culture: from home-made yogurt to encouraging our children to honor the important ritual of shared meals.  At The Warthog School we believe that the kitchen is where our children can best digest an education in sustainability so we include them in every step of the process from planting a seed to setting their seat at the table.  

Sit down dinners are as important as extended community for helping a child to feel rooted in “place” - so every Wednesday we combine the two.  Prepared with local and seasonal produce and shared with “the people in their neighborhood” this supper club helps children steep even more deeply in the seasons while anchoring them in an all-ages community.  It nourishes their bodies and souls.  On the Wednesdays closest to the new moon, our dinner is by candlelight (to honor unplugging for at least one day a month) and on the Wednesdays closest to the full moon our meal is followed by a little dance party to appreciate and celebrate all the goodness in our lives.  At our table relish is a noun and a verb - and it is also homemade.  

Click here for Supper Club Calendar and to join us in the fun

Wednesdays, 5 pm

Prepared in The Warthog School's Loose Leaf Kitchen.